If he can't get it he can't get it no matter what the court order states. We have it in our guardianship papers that the parents are supposed to do that too but the companies have said so far that they don't cover anyone not living in the household. Since he lives in another state even if he did pay for it it would not cover anything the child had done due to the doc's and hospital's not being on the approved list.
We have Sooner Care for the kids and use Child Support Enforcement and since the employers have told them that they will not allow the insurance there is not problem whatsoever.
I loved living in Norman, I used to live over by Heisman shopping mall on Texas Avenue many many years ago. I loved my little WWII duplex. Then I moved over to Twisted Oak. That was a nice little neighborhood. I transferred to OSU and liked it better though...GO OSU!! Just teasing, love both teams.