My quad screen with #5 came back with a one in less-than-four chance of Trisomy 18, which is generally incompatible with life. It was a very, very scary time.
Because of the timing of my test, I just made the window for CVS testing, otherwise I would have had to wait several weeks for an amnio (which I think starts at 18 weeks, but I could be wrong). My CVS was done abdominally. The difference was that they took a sample from the placenta instead of the amniotic fluid.
We were required to meet with a geneticist beforehand to go over our genetic history, the facts of Trisomy 18, and the risks of CVS. She was fabulous. But I have to admit she wasn't really able to hide her surprise at how high the screening's odds were.
The test was uncomfortable, but nothing compared to the emotions already swirling. Dh and I were comfortable with the slight risk of miscarriage, since the disorder itself would be so severe.
We were all shocked and relieved (but mostly shocked!) when the test came back with perfectly matched up chromosomes. #5 is almost 6 months old now, and amazing.
Find out exactly what your results were. Talk to your doctor. Make the right decisions FOR YOUR FAMILY. Most of all, try to stay calm. A screening just gives odds, and they're almost always in your favor!