With abnormal paps always wait until the second test to come back before you worry.
I had an abnormal pap during pregnancy and I was retested; turned out that since I had gotten over a very bad cold just two days before, it picked up the HPV virus that caused my cold.( HPV is the Human Papiloma Virus and can genital warts or a cold depending on which type you catch). Needless to say I was soooo scared and worried after the first test that I stressed myself out so much that my blood pressure elevated and I caught the flu within a week.
The worse thing she can do for herself is worry too much. Try to help her find a website where she can read some info on abnormal paps and HSV and then treat her to a girls nite out. It will do wonders for the both of you because she can feel like she's being proactive about her health without over worrying.