This is a very detailed question. As someone who has recently gone through mysterious abdominal things myself, I sympathize. It sounds like you have a fair amount of anxiety about going to the doctor's. How about you support yourself as much as possible through this process by making sure you give yourself plenty of time to get to the doctors, don't try and cook complicated dinners the day of appts, and get someone to go with you so they can help you listen as the appointment is going on? It sounds like you've put this off for quite a while, but you still have a ways to go to get this resolved. It's very possible that you'll need a dignostic test like an ultrasound to have this resolved, and don't worry--it'll be fine! Again, take a friend or spouse with you, get good support around your kids, whatever you need. Best wishes. If you need to, you can also get a medical second opinion if you need to hear another doctor's thoughts before you make a decision to go forward with whatever's appropriate.