A Personal, Kind of Gross, Odd Question!!

Updated on July 30, 2007
R.S. asks from Glendora, CA
9 answers

Ok, this is kind of hard to ask but since my daughter's well baby check up is not until next month I am really curious to see what other moms say. My daughter (who is two) seems to have kind of an odor "down there" if you know what I mean. I have noticed it ever since she potty trained a couple months ago. The smell is kind of hard to describe - not like fishy or anything, just wierd - I guess it kind of smells like a hamster cage if I had to pinpoint it (yes gross I know). There is no discharge and she is not uncomfortable, itchy or in any pain. She takes a bath every night. We wash the area with baby soap when she bathes. The smell is gone after the bath but as soon as she goes pee it is back. It is really bad in the AM when she wakes up and has had a diaper at night. My older child is a boy so I have never gone through this. Do you think it could be something in her diet?? Has any one else gone through this? I feel so wierd asking but it is just icky to me! I am not sure what to do about it... thanks!!! :/

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So What Happened?

Thank you for all the advice... I am currently on the look out for an unscented but flushable wipe - the ones at my local target have scent and she has always been sensitive to scented wipes. My husband and I still help her wipe but after reading the suggestions and thinking about it, I am sure my husband isn't as "good" at wiping a girl as I am so I think that could have a lot to do with it. Dr.'s office says it is a common question and only an issue if the smell remains right after the bath - they said certain veggies can make your urine smell really bad... she eats a lot of snap peas so maybe thats it??? Thanks again to eveyone for help w/such an odd subject!! :)

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answers from Los Angeles on

Hi Robin

good for you for asking such a hard question. My 5 year old still forgets to wipe herself on occasion and is smelly. I have also found that I cannot use bubble baths or soaps down there. This helps tremendously.

If she isn't in any pain when she pees or constantly trying to pee most likely it isn't a UTI. Also, more water can't hurt to help keep her flushed out.

I hope it is this simple.




answers from Los Angeles on

Well, I went through something similar to this with my daughter when she was about 2 years old. She was kept clean all the time as well, but I ended up going to the ER one day because I noticed a small tiny rash and FREAKED!! I thought something BAD had happend. When I was telling the Physician who attended us that day,that she took baths every day and was clean all the time, she stopped me and said that sometimes too many baths are not good. She explained to me that showers worked best because kids get dirty when they play and when she takes baths she might be eposing that area since its open and moist with germs. especially if her feet touch that area while she is bathing. She also said that shampoos and soaps might irritate and dry that area. I never wouldve thought of that. It turned out she had some kind of fungus growing. So she prescribed some medication (cant remember whatit was she is 14 years old now) and I followed her advise with mostly showers instead of just baths. I didnt run into that problem again. Hope this helps. I would still advise you to take her to her pediatrician jus to be on the safe side.



answers from Los Angeles on

I have two girls,8yrs and 5 yrs and i think its just when they maybe leak (lol) alittle and because they obviously don't have hair down there the sweat too!!!!!! Try wiping her with baby wipes instead of tiolet paper to make sure she is really clean. I know sometimes its just that when they have to go soooo bad sometmes a litttle poddie comes out; and after a long day of playing they have a little odor. Don't worry as long as she is not having any discharge or discomfort its just pretty normal.



answers from San Diego on

who cares when the doctors checkup is.. take her now or call an advice nurse.



answers from Honolulu on

I give you credit for even asking the question...but it's so valid. I have a girl too. This happens sometimes too... but mostly when she doesn't 'wipe' good down there. Too much moisture/bacteria accumulates, thus 'odor.' If anything, check with your doctor, to make extra sure it's not a problem or something else. As we women know, odor can sometimes be a nuisance or something else. My girl also sweats a lot when playing, it's humid where i live in Hawaii. So thus, more moisture. As the other respondent suggested, wiping there with baby wipes to make extra clean can help. Just make sure your daughter doesn't feel 'weird' about it.... or pick up on the 'yucky' vibes about it. Good luck



answers from Los Angeles on

My 10 yr old son started to have really bad underarm odor when he was around 7. We tried everything (deoderant wise) for him and nothing was strong enough. One day one of the baseball moms had the same problem with her son and suggested we buy one of those round meshy scrubbies that women use to lather up in the shower. Not the sponge one, but the light weight mesh ones. I went to Target and over with the travel size shampoos and soaps they had miniture, or I guess travel size ones, for .99 cents. My son uses it when he takes a shower. It is bacteria that produces the odor. He still smells but only when he sweats alot. It is 100% better. I bought one for myself for during the summer for "down there". It did seem to reduce the sweaty/odor/pee/fishy whatever that smell is that I get usually in the summer.



answers from Los Angeles on

Hi robin s.
My name is C. and i know what you are talking about. You need to have your daught drink plenty of water and all it is a bladder infection. My niece had the same thing. Right now it is no pain but if it goes on to long she will start having pain because my niece did because we went to long without getting her checked out and we had to take her to the er because we would give her a lot of water and the smell would go away and we thought it was gone but it wasn't and it kept on coming back after she wouldn't drink a lot of water. They (the doctor) is going to give her some medicine for it and she will have to take for about 7 days and it will go away. Don't worry it's nothing that will hurt her. Just try and get her into the dr. Sooner if you can and she will be alright.



answers from Los Angeles on

My daughter too had this. It wasn't until she was around 3/12 though and had been potty trained for awhile. She had the same symptoms as your daughter, no discharge, not itchy or rashy, not a fishy smell. I took her to the pedi just to have her look at it too and do a UTI test. The outcome is her not wiping herself very well. Which the Dr. said is very common at a young age (the front to back thing). The Dr. said just to make sure she is wiping well and possibly get her the flushable wipes to use when she pottys. Its definiately nothing bad though. Hope this helps.



answers from San Diego on

My daughter has the same thing. Have her drink plenty of water during the day and try wiping her with baby wipes or the flushable wipes. It could be that she holds off going to the potty or sweat. Try some baby power too.

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