I don't have any advice but I did some googling for you:
1.from http://www.drgreene.com/21_10.html
"When investigators looked at this group of late thumb-suckers for common traits, they found that they had one thing in common that distinguished them from other children -- a prolonged history of a strong battle with thumb sucking at an earlier age. It is striking that many well-meaning parents have actually encouraged this behavior by trying to forcibly take the thumb out of their children's mouths."
2.here they suggest dental appliances
3.but basically most sites suggest the following
(this is from http://www.wrongdiagnosis.com/t/thumb_sucking/intro.htm)
Watchful waiting - most cases require no treatment.
Psychological treatment - if the habit is used excessively or the cause is an underlying psychological problem.
Dental treatments - if dental complications occur.
Finally, you might want to watch the movie Thumbsucker. I don't think it's completely appropriate for a 9yo, but if you think it is, she can watch it, too. Yes, it's fiction, but I was impressed with how they handled the issue. I had friends in college who still sucked their thumbs, and although they got teased for it, they all turned out ok.