I never experienced this, but you are a brave mommy! I would be a nervous wreck!! God bless your baby's little heart. Are the surgeries over for her?
Hi, my 3 month old daughter was born with a heart condition called Tetrology of Fallot. She just recently had open heart surgery and is doing great! Just want to meet other mothers whose child has/have this condition and how they are dealing/delt with it.
I never experienced this, but you are a brave mommy! I would be a nervous wreck!! God bless your baby's little heart. Are the surgeries over for her?
sorry can't be of much help never heard of it hopefully its something that can be fully fixed good luck
Hello my name is K..
My son was born with multiple congenital heart and lung anomolies he has undergone 4 open heart surgeries and 2 plasyic surgeries due to a bi-lateral cleft lip.
I really admire the fact that you are reaching out. If you would like to chat drop me a line and we can chat.
My nephew has TOF and he just had his second surgery this past October (17 mo) and is doing great. He was always bright and energetic, but now the hard breathing is gone.
The doctors said that his only limitation will be that he cannot play contact footbal at the high school level or higher, but otherwise he will live a completely normal life.
I know how scary it is to think of your child going through something as big as heart surgery, but the advances in technology today in comparison to what they were just five years ago is astronomical.
Please be strong for your daughter and be thankful that at her age she will never remember the surgeries.
Good morning! My son Anthony, now 3yrs old was also born with TOF/PA. HE had surgery at 3 days old and is doing WONDERFULLY. I joined a support group online called Little Hearts, great group and full of support! If you want to speak more, let me know, would love to talk!