contact your insurance company and find a list of providers they work with...then ask for references....
I'm sorry this is happening....I hope you get it resolved and everyone gets "back on track"
Dose anyone know a good threapist in metrowest? My daughter is struggling with anxiety issues and dealing with the breakup of Me and her dad. Any info would help!!!!
contact your insurance company and find a list of providers they work with...then ask for references....
I'm sorry this is happening....I hope you get it resolved and everyone gets "back on track"
My husband has been seeing a career coach in Norwood who he likes a lot. He is in a large practice that has a lot of services for children:
Good luck!
I went through our insurance company and got a list of covered specialists, and then ran that list by the pediatrician and my doctor. You could go that route, because insurance coverage would reduce your costs drastically.
I know an excellent group in Mendon. www.integratedpsychotherapy.com. I know they accept blue cross/blue shield insurance. Good luck.