Growing up military we often had family parties. Just 'us' (aunts uncles gps etc thousands of miles away). Special day. I always chose the beach. Others? Zoo, pool, skating, something. Then dinner & cake. No friends. We did have friend parties some years, but the reality of moving is that often you don't have friends, yet. But we ALWAYS celebrated.
These are warm, happy, special memories of mine.
My exhusband is of the belief that it's not a party unless there are a million people there, and mountains of presents. So in my own family we split the difference. On my son's actual birthday, he gets to plan the day, like in my family. LOL it usually ended with a tent in the living room to sleep, but he chooses different things to do every year (last year was video games from dawn to dusk, the year before a watermark). And then ended with a living room camp out. My exhusband never came to these, believing they weren't 'real', he'd go out with friends instead.
But in my childhood they were VERY real. And diffuse with happiness and joy and laughter and me getting in trouble ;) ADHD myself I had the stubborn belief I couldn't get in trouble on my birthday despite 17 years of pushing boundaries and being proven otherwise!!! I bring this up because they were never 'perfect' days (birthday spankings were common), but they were PERFECT days.