wow A. W want a bummer! I am not sure. have you talked to your ped doctor? t2ul b
I think my 20 month old is an insomniac. He has always been so good about going to bed (and started sleeping through the night at 3 weeks) but a while back we got a video monitor for his room so we could check in on him while he was sleeping and found out that he spends alot of time awake and now that he is in a big boy bed he will come in and just want us to put him back to bed. We will ask him if he is tired and wants to go back to bed and he says yes he wants to go to bed he never fits us when we put him back in his bed he just tries to go back to sleep. He wakes up in the morning very tired and grogy and it is the same with his nap he will wake up an hour into his nap and come out and all he wants is to sleep and go back to bed. We try to just wear him out hoping that this will help but it dosen't I will turn on the monitor through out the night and see that he is just laying there awake... I feel that he needs more sleep but just don't know how to help him. He has started to get very whiny and snuggly during the day and this is very out of his character and I think it is due to lack of sleep. We have started to tell him when he comes in to our room to just go back to bed and he will, he will just put him self back to bed but will lay there awake for an hour. I am just wnating to see if anyone eles has had this happen and what did you do.... I was an insomniac till I got PG and since then I sleep great I just don't want him to have to go through this for the rest of his life if I can do a life change now.
wow A. W want a bummer! I am not sure. have you talked to your ped doctor? t2ul b
My daughter was the same way, the best thing I found is to cut out the naps. Yes I know they will be crabby for a while in the evening, but once they adjust to that schedule, it does get better. My 2 yr old hasnt had a nap now since she was 18 months old, unless she comes up to me and says--I AM TIRED, I AM TAKING A NAP, then I just get out of the way lol. She naps only for 20 mins or less, which she wakes herself out of, which is weird for me, because you can practically set your clock to her lol, but it has really helped with the 8pm bedtime and all night sleeping. I hope it helps. Good Luck!
I'm an insomniac. So is my 4 year old son. He went to bed last night at 2am... Got up by 7am. I kid you not. He barely ever sleeps. No longer will he take naps either. Says he can't close his eyes. My daughter is 3 and is already showing the signs as well. I haven't found anything that helps. From exhausting him, changing his diet, baths, soothing sounds, tv, no tv, books. Or anything else of the sort. Nothing has ever helped me either sadly. They have put me on sleeping pills before and haven't noticed a change in my attitude or overall well being. So I stopped taking them. I get about 4 hours of sleep a day on a good day. Sadly I have just learned to function in this mannerism.
If you can find anything that helps please drop me a line. I just like you would like to rescue my children from this.
My daughter is very sensitive about sleep too, she will try to get as little as she possibly can. She has gone through stages where she wakes up during the night and the only thing I could figure is that she was going through some type of growth spurt (pain in legs) or trying to learn something new. I always make sure she has everything to meet her middle of the night needs right there, a potty chair, drink of water, extra blanket etc. Make sure he gets exposed to a lot of sun during the day (not enough to get sunburned, before 10 am and after 4 pm is best without sunscreen). Also something that helped with her is to make sure the room is absolutely pitch dark by either buying those blackout shades or placing blankets over the window. You could get a nightlight and set it on a timer to come on in the morning so that he knows when it is time to get up. White noise is also something I can't sleep without, I wake up copnstantly if I don't have it. Try and air purifier, fan or something similar that muffles other noises. Also could he be getting not enough or too much sleep? At this age he needs 12-14 hours of sleep. My son has always been very flexible on sleep and always gets plenty. My daughter on the other hand gets the most sleep when she is on a rigid schedule. For example yesterday instead of doing her evening nap (we have started having her taking one so she can stay up a little later due to evening family activities) we skipped it so she could go to bed earlier. She sat up in her room until 10 pm or so! Later than she would have gone to bed if she had taken the nap! I worry about her sleep a lot so I can relate to you, I think some kids are just light sleepers. She gets the most sleep by not taking a nap (she stopped at 2 or else she would be up until 10 or 11) and going to bed at 7 pm she wakes up at 7 am like clockwork and sleeps solidly.
Does he show any other symptoms during the day. Like is he very busy. Into everything and constantly on the move. Does he repeat motions or words or actions over and over? I would check with his Ped. Doc and see what they say.
My son is ADHD and had the same problem with sleep. He was up until really late, wole up often and got up really early. I'm not saying your son is ADHD but I would get him checked out. I think keeping his busy is a good idea. I know how frustrating it can be do have a child up all the time. Good Luck!!!
this may not help, but My son likes to do the samething to me... however he won't go back to sleep. Anyway, what has helped us is to give him his bath at night and give him a bedtime snack before he goes to bed. I also have a sippy cup of water in the bed with him/However he is still in a crib!
I don't know if this helps, hope so... my son has hardly ever slept through the night and he is 18 months old.