My 2 year old was about the same way and then her sleeping finaly got alittle better. she is 2 and a half years old and still has never slapt throught the night. She is also breast feed and yes she still nurses at night and only at night. She still wakes up one time a night and sometimes two times. The doctor keept telling me to feed her more durning the day and I did and nothing changed they keept checking her ears and nothing was wrong. I feel the same way you do that she is addicted to the breast. Just like you I always used to confort her with the breast when something upset her, I have stoped that if she falls I pick her up and kiss and hug her I dont give her the breast even if she is pulling at my shirt and asking for which she does becasue she talks. My best advise to you would be to not use the breast to confort him start with durning the day and he will start to understand that just because he is unhappy he does not need the breast. And when I did that she started sleeping longer at night. She does still wake up one to two times a night but it is a whole lot better then one time an hour.