When are you putting her down? I found that with my son (now 11 months) that around 8-9 months he went through a bit of a scheduling change with the afternoon nap, and if I missed my "window" so to speak, I would have a hard time getting him to sleep.
I found some good information in a book called The 90 Minute Sleep Solution by Polly Moore. To summarize, your baby goes through cycles of waking and sleepiness, and they occur on 90 minute cycles. For my son, nap time comes 3 hours (2 cycles) after he gets up in the morning, and 3 hours after he gets up from his first nap. It's kind of amazing, if I try to put him down earlier or later, he won't sleep, but at the 3 hour mark, he goes down happily. Some kids can go 3 cycles (4 1/2 hours) especially as they get older, and if I miss the 3 hour window with my son, I have to wait til he's been up 4 1/2 hours to get him to sleep, but I would try putting your daughter down 3 hours after she got up from her morning nap.