Hi A.!
Just got done with this!!!
Mom LK...we must go to the same Ped. Mine looked at me like I was crazy and should now better (of course I should but they are so darn convincing!! LOL)
Check with your Ped about his weight and eating.
My other two NEVER had this issue. I have used Weissbluth with all three and you do have to 'personalize' it.
The other issue I had is that my (now) 11 mos. old refuse to eat anything with a spoon (no BB food). He saw his brothers eating with their hand and that is what he wanted to do. I figured he wasn't getting enough calories from finger food and that is why he kept waking.
I went against my better judgement and let him graze more, tried to include more high calorie foods, and would go for a walk after dinner and then give him the bottle (about 6:30/7p). He made it through to about 5:30/6P. This was at 10 mos. I also waited 15 minutes to run to him if he woke at night.
About once every two weeks he will want to feed at night. It is usually when his teeth are really bothering him and he didn't eat well during the day. I think his teeth were also bugging him around 8/9 mos and this also cut down on his food take (the bottle was easier on the pain).
So I know this is long, but it will happen. I remember I was so tired and questioned what I was doing. But it is just him and his pattern of development. Keep using Weissbluth, but just add a little flexibility and your own creativity. It will get better!!!