I would try rice cereal mixed with the formula or water and a teeny bit of baby food. This is how I started my daughter on solid food and then I gradually worked up to baby food in a jar and table food etc. I started my daughter on solids at around 5 months. She loved it and the bottles decreased over time. I would take a 6-8-9 oz bottle and use some of it for the rice cereal and give her the rest after until she moved to sippy cups around 10-11 months. Some kids just need more food or solid food at different ages than others. I was always worried about her weight as well. She was and still is teeny as far as her weight goes but she was always and still is hitting the height, motor, and mental development milestones like a champion so I learned not to worry. Now I am thankful she has a good metabolism...it will make her life easier when she gets older.