oh poor M.!
This is the first of many battles to come. She's about to learn a new lesson that sometimes life isn't going to go her way. The car seat is one of those "non-negotiables." You will have to pick your battles in your life as a mom. This is one of those that you MUST win. Her dress, hair, food preferences... you can compromise. The car seat is a safety issue AND legal issue. The last thing you would want is to have an accident and have her seriously injured because she wasn't in her seat and then a ticket because she wasn't in her seat. Also you are more likely to get into an accident if she's not in her seat.
- just read some of the answers below -
I hadn't thought about the car seat being uncomfortable. Also, I sang and talked to my boy from the very beginning. If he cooed I cooed back. We had long cooing conversations! When he was a bit bigger I talked about everything we were passing, sounds of passing cars, colors of school buses, woofing dogs, you name it! And now the boy has an incredible vocabulary!
Now the stroller - to me - a negotiable. Push her for a while, then let her out to crawl/walk around and engage her environment. One of the biggest joys of parenthood is watching your child learn and discover the things you have long since forgotten how to appreciate!
Good luck and God bless,