Try probiotics. I don't know about your son, but my daughter, who spit up constantly, was taking antibiotics the day after she was born (staph and strep). (Good bacteria in the intestinal tract can be depleted by antibiotics and also the kinds of food we eat.) This all happened 30 years ago when virtually no one understood anything about what antibiotics could do to the intestinal tract. My daughter was then diagnosed with acid reflex at the age of 21. When our alternative doctor told us about the benefits of probiotics, she began taking them, decreasing her need for so much Prevacid. You can find Primadophilus JR at health food stores. It's in capsule form and can be mixed in food or formula. I don't know what the bottle recommends for the dosage, but your son will likely need more. (Probiotics restore the good bacteria that naturally occur in the intestinal tract, so they are not a drug.) A chiropractor-kinesiologist might be able to help him, too. I bet you have at least a couple of them in the KC area. Good luck!