I had a problem just a bit of one with one of my children wanting to get up but it was short lived and I was able to more fast and change him. My sister had a problem with one of her boys he didn't liked being wiped even with warm wipes. This may help what she did she took some house hold hot pad mitts and made funny like puppets to help with the diaper change. Yes, it took more time but it helped her get the job done, see she had 6 children so someone was always getting into something and/or moving all the time. She said she would get them out for his diaper change and before she knew it the other kids would sit down to watch her little show for diaper time. She got more then she thought she would of attention just really wanting to divert another child for a few minutes . Maybe this would help in your situation parents sure have to get inventive and keep thing interesting. Maybe doing trying something like this would help make it easier and make a special time out of it so there's no struggle.
You can always get some puppets already made up or you can use socks too if you are wanting to make them.
Good luck anything is worth a try.