Ideas to help out:
1- Feed your son as late as possible before bedtime.
2- If he wakes up, bring him to bed with you and feed him while you (snooze) sleep. Put your arm out so your husband doesn't roll over, or just tell him not to move.
3- Another idea, lay down on another bed, feed your son, and get a little snooze in.
4- Or, get a triangle pillow to help the baby lie on his side. That would help him feel better.(You can roll up a big shower towel, and that works, too.)
5- If his ear is still hurting him, microwave a wash cloth for a few seconds, and lay it on his ear. This helps my girls, as well as an age appropriate amount of tylenol.
6- Have him go to sleep as late as possible so you can also sleep at the same time.
7- Experiment with a variety of things. As we all know, every kid is different.
8- Move his crib in to your room for awhile. That will cut down on the time getting in and out of bed to get him. He will, obviously, be closer.
9- Try to adjust him to YOUR schedule, not his. He will adapt, really! As long as there are no pillows around, he should be safe sleeping with you.
10- We have 4 little girls, so I tried all these with all four of them. They are now 11, 8, and twins 5, so they survived.
Hope some of these will help!