Go to lalecheleague.com for verification...it is an excellent site for ALL your breastfeeding concerns, and an excellent support group.
Between 6-12 months, 100% of your baby's nutrition is met by breastmilk or formula. Any other food given is to teach your baby how to eat, and to test for allergies. The second year, you can allow for 70% of your baby's nutrition to be met by breastfeeding if you are still doing so. If he has enough wet diapers, he is fine. Don't worry about how many poopy diapers, that doesn't matter, my pediatrician says it is normal for a breastfed baby to go up to two weeks without pooping cause the milk is so well used by the baby. You may notice now that he may only be pooping out the solids you feed him. The reason he may not be interested in nursing in the day is because he is at an age where he is stimulated by so many other learning activities and the world around him, he might not be so interested in eating. He does nurse best at night cause there are less distractions. Don't worry about measuring how much he eats, cause the measurement is his wet diapers. For a baby your son's age the normal feedings are from five to seven times a day. A really good book to read is A Nursing Mother's Companion by Kathleen Huggins. Another excellent book is Primal Mothering in a Modern World by Hygeia Halfmoom. If you feel he needs more daytime nursing, try doing it in a dark, quiet spot. Don't fret if he refuses, just offer again in an hour or two. Also, at this age, your baby is extremely efficient at getting more milk from you in a shorter amount of time. Good work breastfeeding, mama! It is the best thing you can do for your little one. My little girl is almost ten months and we are still breastfeeding. Just wait, the older he gets the more acrobatic he will get at feeding times, wanting to play and eat at the same time! Please feel free to write to me if you need any mama support.