ALWAYS nurse before solids.
For the 1st year of life, breastmilk/Formula is a baby's PRIMARY source of nutrition... NOT solids and not other liquids. This is also per our Pediatrician.
For the 1st year, solids is only an "introduction" to solids. NOT their main meal. And, they do not have to have solids, 3 times a day. It is gradually worked up to, in the year.
If you give solids before nursing... a baby will wean from breast.
They will be too full, to nurse.
Nurse before solids or just nurse.
At that age, my kids were only having solids once a day. In the morning. After nursing.
Breastmilk/Formula, should be their MAIN intake. At that age as well.
Don't 'fit in' solids. Just nurse. That is what a baby needs, primarily.
Giving solids... nurse first then wait even 1 hour later, for solids.
You said he is getting solids at Daycare for breakfast and lunch. But... what about his intake of breastmilk or Formula?
Daycare should be giving THIS to him... and on-demand. Not only the solids... nor the solids as the primary focus.
YOU as the parent, can tell them that.
Baby... does not 'need' to have solids at night for 'dinner.' Just nurse. And on-demand during the night or at wakings. Very important.