My first daughter was reaching for food on my plate at 5 months and had no problem starting with cereal, transitioning through the stages of baby food, etc. My second daughter, however, only wanted to sip water and nurse and wasn't interested in ANYTHING other than those two things until she was about 16 months old. Yep, you read that right- she didn't eat a thing and only nursed until 16 months. She has no sensory issues or anything that I can tell- she is gluten-free due to an enamel issue with her teeth (we suspect she has Celiac's,) but went straight to finger food and progressed as normal beyond that point. She is a VERY adventurous eater too- she'll try anything and her favorite foods are hummus, olives, mango, and meats. She will munch green leaves of lettuce, kale, etc for a snack.
Keep nursing and when she is ready, you will know. I would not push the traditional "cereal" stuff either- try smashed up avocado or banana. I tend to think they avoid things for a reason, even if we don't understand it. Grains might hurt her tummy :( or she just might not be ready- period.
(I let both my girls continue to nurse and they both self-weaned at the same age, even though their table-food eating habits were totally different too, for what it's worth... both at 3 1/2 years.)