Dear J.,
Is his room bright when the sun comes up? You might try darkening his window with tint or getting darker curtains. I realize you said he wakes later during the week. He has some kind of internal clock going. What are you usually doing during the weekday mornings when he gets up? Does he have to go to daycare? Do you turn on a radio at 5:30 when you and hubby get up? Try to recreate a weekday. set a timer for a clock radio to go off at 5:30 during the weekend, something for him to hear. You may hear it but his weekday proccess will get confused if he hears it 7 days a week. Just do it for a couple weeks or so, then try to see if he will stay in bed durring the weekend without the noise. His internal clock should be pretty off kilter! May not help him, but can't hurt to try. Sleepy Blessings, B.