Hi H., I breastfed my twin girls (and still am) and started pumping and feeding them a bottle around 6-8 weeks to try to get them used to it to allow me a little independance. One of my girls adjusted easily and the other drank from the bottle for around 1 month, then I stopped for a couple of weeks (for no aparent reason) and then "whammy", she refused it when I went off to work. I ended up coming home at noon daily to nurse her for 2-3 months (I am only working 6 hour days). Around 6 months she began to take the bottle better and I was able to work straight through. I admit, I did give in to her, and maybe if I had drawn a harder line, then she would have taken the bottle quicker and more readily. But this is what I felt comfortable with. They are now 14 months and I still nurse them both 1-2 times a day and her at night. She has never taken a bottle to go to bed at night (she's fine during the day).
My advice is for you not to be in the house (at least in a different room) when your husband or parents try to give your baby the bottle- if he sees you, he will only want to nurse. Make sure you are never the one to offer the bottle. I would keep trying, even if he only takes a small amount and then you come in an supplement. That will get him back used to the routine. I could never not come feed my baby when she refused, just couldn't stand the hunger cries. Much easier to allow them to cry out to sleep, but for me, impossible to allow to cry hungry! Best of luck to you, it will certainly work out!! F.