Newborns dont have a schedule, but boy do we wish they did!! It sounds like she might have her days and nights mixed around, which is perfectly normal. You really cant force them on your time, at this age, they are in charge!! (and it doesnt change until they move out!! lol) I dont see anything different from any other baby I know, well maybe the expection was my son, who sleep thru the night at birth (he so spoiled me and totally unprepared me for the next one who was colicky lol) If she is just awake and not crying from 10-midnight, there is nothing wrong with leaving her in her crib in the dark. This will help her realize that dark is for sleeping, plus it will bore her enough for her to just fall asleep. Now if she is cranky, that is a different story. Also, you may want to try limiting her day time naps. Its hard to do, as when they are tired, they are tired. Also, dont be afraid to call your doctor, or talk to them next visit about it. They are there to help, though I dont think its a problem, they might have some suggestions that can help you. Finally, remember it doesnt last long, its a stage and she will outgrow it, not to depress you, so enjoy her babyness, because unfortuantly it doesnt last. Congratulations and Good Luck!