Hi J. - just wanted to add a couple of things here. What others have said is true - if your baby has food sensitivities, it can take several weeks after eliminating them for her body to finally "calm" down. I, too, nursed, and had to cut soy, dairy, caffeine, alcohol, citrus, and spices out of my diet. It sucked but it was the only thing that helped our son - none of the formulas worked for him. He was also put on Prevacid but I also wanted to say that it took about three weeks of being on Prevacid before we noticed it helped. But thank goodness it did! We finally got our baby back! Definitely keeping her upright for 30 minutes after feeds and angling her bed at a 30 degree angle help, too... but I will say there is no "magic bullet". Thankfully, when they can sit up on their own, it seems like it gets more manageable and now that my son is a year, it seems totally manageable. He is still on Prevacid, but can eat any solid food (although he's not much of an eater - who knows if that's due to the reflux!) and hopefully, we can wean him off of the Prevacid soon. Anyhow, I feel for you - reflux is no joke! It can be really tiring so just keep your chin up and know that this too should hopefully pass!!