Not until she's in a hard cast, at least.
Until then it's too easy to unset the bone. Even with a hard cast kids aren't going to be careful around her. She's going to get jostled at best, and there will be playground accidents at worst.
The pain level is going to be much higher. Desks require lifting your arms or stretching them under to have on your legs. In a splint, her arm is going to be moving.
Too exhausting. She needs to rest to recuperate. Instead, even "just" sitting at a desk she's being asked to behave, pay attention, learn. I'd be surprised if she can manage a whole day without a full on meltdown or falling asleep.
Too hard on her immune system. Surgery is *exhausting* on her body. Her immune system is going to be in mach 3 trying to take care of things, the bone is in the very early stages of remodeling. To then go and be exposed to all the germs that are being brought to school from the holidays pretty much guarantees she's going to come home sick, and by Wed will have a stomach virus, respiratory infection, or cold/flu.