while i would certainly see your pedi ASAP, hold off on the panic button... yes, you need to rule out medical conditions such as diabetes, i honestly don't see that this would be celiac, very rarely does that present "suddenly"... also, don't waste your time and money seeing a ton of specialists(though if you suspect celiac, it's a GI, not an allergist, that you need to see) - your pedi can easily and quickly check sugar levels in your son's urine and/or blood to easily rule in/out diabetes and venture any other guesses as to what this might be. once diabetes is ruled out, and i hope it is, i would guess that what you are seeing is due to a few things. number one, it's summer time, it's hot out, kids are drinking more, causing them to urinate more. additionally, kids are typically moving around a lot more in the summer rather than sitting down at school all day, physical activity causes the bowels to move - so that could easily explain that as well. hope you find out that this is all just due to the summer routine!