My youngest daughter often HATES going to bed. She is 9 now, and has always been this way. She is a night owl by nature, and loves to sleep in like a teenager on days she doesn't have school. I honestly think some kids are just wired this way. She says she's bored in her bed. Sleep is boring, etc. She has gone through phases where she wants to sleep anyplace else but in her room or in her bed. Some nights there is just minor complaining, some nights (not as much in recent years) have been full out tantrums. The thing we have found that works for her is an incentive system. If she goes to bed nicely after doing her bedtime reading on school nights, on Friday and/or Sat, she can have special weekend privileges such as watching a movie before bed, sleeping in the basement family room after watching a movie, building a fort in her bedroom to sleep in, having sister-time hanging out in bed reading a magazine or something with her big sister before bed, playing with her Ipod touch in bed for awhile before falling asleep, listening to a book on CD in bed, listening to the radio in bed, sometimes having a sleepover with a friend, etc. If she throws fits, there are no weekend night privileges. Also, I don't threaten in the moment, I just wait and see how she chooses to act, and then reward or don't reward accordingly.