I didn't get mine until 6 months post birth but I had a friend with twins who immediately got hers 3 months post-birth and she exclusively breast-fed so it really does differ with every mom. enjoy not getting it for a while:)
My son is going to be 5 months old on Monday and has been bottlefed since he was 2 weeks old. My lochia bleeding went away between 7 and 8 weeks, but I still have not had a period. Is this normal or should I start to be worried?
I didn't get mine until 6 months post birth but I had a friend with twins who immediately got hers 3 months post-birth and she exclusively breast-fed so it really does differ with every mom. enjoy not getting it for a while:)
I didn't start until 6 months after both of my kids were born - my Mom had seven kids and after some she didn't have her period until a year after. Everyone is different. I say - enjoy the time off :-)
I agree with both other responses..definitely pick up a preg test just to rule it out. Then call the doctor. I started my period two months after giving birth. It might just mean that you need a little push to get going again..birth control pills for two or three months can get you back on track and not hurt your chances of getting pregnant again if you want to later.
Hi L.-
I know you don't want to hear this but I would pick up a pregnancy test today to rule that out. If you're not pregnant, I'd call your doc. It may be nothing but you're obviously worried and that does seem like a long time to go without a period. Good Luck!
I do not think you need to be worried, every women is different on when their period starts again after having a baby.
If feel like something is wrong just call your OBGYN and talk with him/her over the phone to see if you should come in for a visit or when you should worry that your period has not returned yet.
I think mine started again around 7 months, but that was over 2 years ago so I am not 100% on that.
again, every woman is very different...but especially if you're breastfeeding this isn't weird at all. lots of women assume that you can't get pregnant while breastfeeding but that's not true. but in lots of cases you won't have a period while feeding. if you aren't breastfeeding, i'd say it's still not that strange. it takes a long time for our bodies to get back on track. but if you're really concerned call the doc.
Hi L..
Same thing happened to me. I waited until my son was 6 months to call the doctor. They gave me a drug (can't remember the name right now!) and my period started within a week. Now my cycle is back to how it was pre-pregnancy. I am 31. Also had a c-section and stopped breastfeeding at 6 weeks. Good luck! I'm sure everything is fine but it's good you're concerned and taking car of now instead of putting it off. :)
I just think everyone is different. I had a natural birth with my first son, who I nursed until a year. I finally got the first sign of it again when he was around 9 months. I now have 7 month old twins, who I stopped nursing completely at 4 months as I couldn't keep up. At 6 months again the other day I took pregnancy tests to see if I am pregnant, and they come up negative. Am assuming it's just taking my body awhile... I wouldn't worry quite yet.
Did you have a c-section? If you did, it takes longer than those who gave birth naturally. I've had four c-sections, and each one took a little longer each time.