5 Day Young Family Vacation Getaway Within 6 Hours of Dallas

Updated on March 19, 2012
✿.✿. asks from Lewisville, TX
5 answers

We need a vacation :) We've got an 8 year old daughter and 6 year old son and we are looking for a fun family vacation location within 6-8 hours of DFW.
We've looked into the Hyatt Lost Pine Resort in Austin and we'd really like to go but it's kind of pricey. It is the kind of resort we'd like to go to though - has everything there - horseback riding, swimming, family rafting,etc. It's still not off the "vacation list" but I'd like to see if anyone has any other recommendations.

Does anyone have any recommendations for a family fun vacation within 6 or so hours of DFW?

Thanks so much!

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answers from Dallas on

There is so much to do within 6-8 hours of DFW. San Antonio - Sea World, Alamo, Riverwalk. Houston/Galveston - NASA, Beach, Schlitterbahn (they have an indoor part in winter). Glen Rose - Camping, hiking, dino bones. Grandbury - lake, camping, water sports, horseback riding. Fredericksburg - Enchanted Rock, antiques. San Marcos - Aquarena Springs.

What are some of your top activities to do? You could even venture up into Oklahoma (Turner Falls - camping, hiking) or even into Louisiana with those limitations :) It is almost never-ending.

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answers from Dallas on

I'd definately go to San Antonio. Sea World. River Walk, The zoo. It's awesome. I usually can get nice hotels on priceline for around 75 or 80 a night.

JW Marriott near San Antonio is gorgeous, has a kid water park, lazy river, and an adult quiet pool. It's pricey too!

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answers from Oklahoma City on

I'd go to the same old same old and enjoy the Houston/Galveston area. So much to do.



answers from Dallas on

We went to Chickasaw National Recreation Area last summer, and it was really nice- good hiking, we had a blast swimming in the icy cold streams, lots of interesting natural and historic stuff to see, and it felt like we were a lot farther away than we were! We started out with a weekend visiting friends in Oklahoma City, saw the sights there, and then spent several nights at Chickasaw. Lots of fun and didn't break the bank.




answers from Tulsa on

You can go to hotwire.com and put in resort Austin and get a room for $89. It has worked for dozens of people at many hotels. San Antonio has resorts as well.

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