It happened to a friend of mine, she went every week after that for the u/s till they saw the sack at 6/7 weeks. She is now 26 week along and baby is doing great. Hopefully it's the case with u.
I went to the dr today and they did a trans-vaginal ultrasound on me and saw that i am 4 weeks gestational but have no gestational sac.....they didn't see anything. Not even as an ectopic pregnancy.... but my hormones are at 2297.... what does this mean? has this happened to anyone??
It happened to a friend of mine, she went every week after that for the u/s till they saw the sack at 6/7 weeks. She is now 26 week along and baby is doing great. Hopefully it's the case with u.
I was either that far or even further along with my son when they still did not see a gestational sac. At the time we knew exactly how far along I was ( I can't remember exactly now, but I think I was 6 1/2 weeks along) because I was going through IVF. My Hcg was increasing, but after losing other pregnancies, I thought all was lost and my heart was broken. Then the next visit they found him on ultrasound! Good luck, hang in there.
That happend to me I went in thinking I was at least 6 weeks and they did an ultrasound and didn't see anything. but my levels were up so they told me to come back. I think weeks to do another ultrasound but they saw the baby and everything was fine! That time we found out I was 9 weeks and now I am 22!!!
Good luck!!
I went in at five weeks for bleeding and they couldn't see the sack on the ultrasound. They had me wait two more weeks and voila, things were right where they should have been. As hard as it is, have your levels monitered and have them check again in two weeks if the numbers are still going up as they should.