First, this is normal! In the long run, as I am sure you know because you sound like a dedicated AP momma, you will be very grateful that she is so confident that you will meet her needs that she comes to you with everything..."Mom, my friends are doing this, what do you think?" "Mom, what do you think of this boy? He likes me." or "Mommy, that stranger touched me." And how do you get a couple hours work in and keep that bond?
In this day and age, the working mom is common, and in some families a must. The best way to do this, that I have found, is to let your baby create an attachment with the alternative caregiver. First find a caregiver, nanny, sitter, that has good energy and that fits in with your families beliefs and energy. Second, spend time, and yes it could take a couple weeks, but be a part of the circle. Make play about the three of you and integrate her (or him) into your family. And don't worry, NOTHING replaces mommy, AND this new friend can be pretty fun. Finally, when you are working from home, be out of site and let them handle it on their own a while. You are there for when she truly needs you and trust me, she'll let you know.
All that said, 5 months is pretty young and she does need to eat pretty regularly, I'm sure. Make sure that whoever you hire is willing, during that time, to help you in other laundry, or dishes, or assistant to your work, etc. Make sure they are willing to be a mommy helper as well as a baby caretaker and you will be much happier.
Congratulations on your angel, and for being such a dedicated mom and truly trying to meet the needs of your child. If you feel like you are rushing, slow down, trust your instincts, you are probably right.
Good luck!
Mom to Phoenix Rose 4/25/07
Conscious Birth and
Attachment Parenting Advocate