one thing i would say right away is to nurse first, then give solids.
no matter how much she eats; her main nutrition should come from your milk! :) its perfect for her age, and perfect for her in every way. then give solids.
:) otherwise, this is probably normal. she might be having a growth spurt, in which case she could probably be using all the food up! this happens now and then, especially with breastfed babies! :)
so just keep doing what you are doing, see how much she eats when she nurses FIRST. its important to keep your milk up if you plan on continuing (i highly recommend it! its awesome!:) and to keep giving your daughter the best nutrition you can possibly find!
and if you keep nursing, she will poop. solids might constipate her, but if you switch to nursing first, then less solids, she will probably have a BM. :) if not, and if she gets very cranky like shes having pain, bring her to the doctor. ;) but very likely, she will just go soon. she might just be using all the fuel up! :)