No drugs for any of my kids. Also, strangely enough, each of them was born EXACTLY 4 hours after my water broke.
1st - 7lbs 7oz. 3 weeks late, in a hospital with a doctor, I think my labor was 12 hours, but I only pushed for about 25 minutes. Gave birth sitting up with feet in stirrups UGH!
2nd - 7lbs 8oz. 3 weeks early, homebirth, 5 hours of labor. Again, I only pushed for about 20 minutes, gave birth on hands and knees.
3rd - 8lbs 4oz. 10 days late, homebirth, 15 hours of labor, pushed for 45 minutes. He had shoulder dystocia and I had to get on my hands and knees while the midwife re-positioned him. It's like pushing two heads out because I had to push both shoulders out at once, she had to cup her hands around his upper back/shoulders and ease him out. Had I been in a hospital, it could have turned into a c-section or a broken collarbone for him.
4th - 9lbs. 2oz. 10 days late, hospital birth with a midwife, 4 hours of labor, pushed for 20 minutes, birthed in the squatting position b/c she was so big.
The shorter labors were more painful, as labor came on fast and quickly progressed into transition. I learned deep breathing exercises by taking Bradley Method classes and they helped tremendously with pain management.