It is certainly possible to get pregnant while breastfeeding but each woman is so different it's difficult to predict when your cycles might return. For me, it returned when my daughter was around 4 months old because she had been sleeping thru the night for some time and therefore missing some of the round the clock feedings. My girlfriend didn't get hers back until her dd was almost a year old, another her ds was 9 months old. To trick your body, you might try pumping some of your son's feedings. That way your body thinks you are missing some feedings but your son still gets the benefits of mommy's milk. With my first, he was hospitalized for the 1st 6 weeks and even though I pumped round the clock as if he was feeding, I got my cycle back at 7 weeks. If you do conceive while bfeeding nothing says you can't continue to bf while pregnant and even after the new baby comes. Kellymom.com has some good info on tandem breastfeeding. Also, because you are what the docs consider advanced maternal age (I laughed when the doc used that term at my first appointment!) you will be monitored more closely during your pregnancy.