Go to the Dr asap, there is a great prescription that will help clear it up that works better than otc meds... especially for a yeast infection.
She's had this infection for a couple weeks now and I'm almost to the point of calling the doc but I've had success treating them from home before, but it's been so long that I've forgotten what to use besides the anti-fungal cream. It doesn't bother her, but it looks nasty.
Doc told me to put the fungal cream and cortisone on it. Kristen W. was spot on! Thank you!
Go to the Dr asap, there is a great prescription that will help clear it up that works better than otc meds... especially for a yeast infection.
Add baking soda to her bath water. Also, make sure that you're cleaning the area with soap and water after every BM. Soap is the only thing that will clean the area of bacteria and fungus - wipes won't do it.
And, though I'm sure you're already aware of this, the OTC anti-fungal does work on yeast, as evidenced by my pediatrician recommending it. The athlete's foot cream that many refer to generically as "anti-fungal" is the same medicine they put in the 3-day yeast infection treatments for women.
You don't use over the counter anti-fungal cream on yeast. Not for bad infections. What you get over the counter will likely not be strong enough.A few weeks is too long, take that child to a Dr. and get a prescription!!!
It comes back, because what you're using can't CURE it. It's not good enough. You need a prescription.
Bring her to the doctor asap! Poor thing!
I have to correct two incorrect answers. You can/do use anti-fungal creams for yeast infections. The nurse at my pediatrician's office (great nurse!) even said you could use athlete's foot cream instead of the more expensive vaginal yeast infection creams. They are the same thing (Clotrimazole, etc.)! They are called anti-fungal creams.
So, mama, you are doing the right thing. You might need a stronger concentration of cream, though. I'd go ahead and contact the doc. They might be able to tell you what concentration of active ingredient to look for.
why wait? call the dr!
Definitely go to the doctor! Those get very painful.
You could try adding a cup of plain yogurt to her bath water.
Yeast isn't fungal, it's yeast. You might try OTC yeast infection cream first (monistat, ect..). Also, the last time I took my little guy in for this issue, she told me it was actually eczema and to use a low dose steriod cream for a couple of weeks.