I would definitely try to get to the root of the problem.... why doesn't she want to be in her bed? Bored? Scared? Something else? I think the age has a lot to do with it too - very common at 4, 5, 6 years to start having sleep issues. My daughter had "tigers" in her room for a while (under her bed, closet, behind the door... etc.) I "ordered" tiger spray to "get rid of" the tigers and "make her safe". I basically got a mason jar, printed off a picture of a tiger from the internet, taped it on, put some food coloring into it - and that was it. Then we took a tsp of the "tiger spray" put it into a small spray bottle (she helped me with this), diluted it with water (so no color would end up on walls, clothes, etc. when we sprayed), and it worked like a charm. You could make "monster" spray, "ghost" spray, etc...