Ok, I maybe shouldn't post, because I might just scare you! I too have the same problem...but, she is now 9 months! It started about 4 weeks old. She woke up...and never went back to sleep! I was trying to hard to do the eat, wake, sleep method. For 2 months, I fought it and she cried all the time and never went to sleep! We would have days go by with no sleeping the entire day...not in the swing, bouncy seat, nothing! So, I finally switched the schedule to eat, sleep, wake. I swaddled her up and nursed her to sleep...held her for a bit, then put her down. The other problem is, she wakes up almost every time at the 45 min. mark...so, she is never getting deep, good sleep. We've been doing this now for months...everyone says she will grow out of it..I'm thinking I'm going to have to get harsh and really let her cry...but, i've done it and she'll just cry for hours!
So, with that said...realize that every baby is different and don't feel like you're doing something wrong if other people judge your parenting. You're doing the best you can with your situation.
One tip is the swaddling - it is a life saver. I can hardly get her to fall alseep if she's not swaddled up...because she keeps moving her arms and won't settle down. She fights it, but try swaddling him up, getting him to sleep, then put him down. I would also suggest to try to back yourself out of this method before he gets too old, like us! But, maybe...always do same bedtime routine - make room dark (we had to put black out fabric on curtains), turn on noisemaker, swaddle up, eat and get to sleep. Then, after he gets that process down, start backing yourself out of it! Try doing everything, then put him down while he's not quite asleep.
I'll be looking forward to hearing responses from everyone else, so I can get advice! Good luck and let me know if you have any other questions!