I was going to respond, but Thea S said exactly what I was going to!!! Good job Thea!!!
I too think it's a bit early to be worried. Good luck! :-)
Ok so I know kids would write numbers and letters backwards but one thing is writing number 3 backwards and another is saying 19 is 91. She has started to confuse numbers 14-19 and switches them. 14 is 41,15 is 51 and so on. Im not sure if this is normal or not. She already went to head start and learned from 1-15 there but now she is going to another school in Sept.
I was going to respond, but Thea S said exactly what I was going to!!! Good job Thea!!!
I too think it's a bit early to be worried. Good luck! :-)
This is totally normal. Transitioning from the real world to the printed world is tougher than it seems. Think about this... Real objects don't change WHAT they are because of how you face them. My couch doesn't stop being a couch if I turn it or put it on a different wall or in a different room. She is 4 and she's just applying some generalizations about the world she already understands to these new things.
If you're concerned just keep exposing her to the numbers, take opportunities to point out printed numbers when you see them, but DON'T stress your self or HER out about this.
This is very normal and it will work itself out. :)
I taught kinder and preschool and it is VERY normal. Just keep practing and eventually they will come.
Thea made a great point that reminded me or a recent situation with my aunt. Let me start by saying I am terrible at math. Awful really. She has been retired a few years, but she used to work with numbers at a bank. Everyone sees numbers differently and there is nothing wrong with that.
I still often switch numbers around because I view them as individual numbers. If I'm looking at, say, a phone number... I see... 7 1 8 - 5 1 5 - 5 1 5 1. Each number is it's own entity and one's brain can easily confuse or rearrange them.
My aunt, having worked with numbers and having a different relationship with them than me, actually said the area code as 7 18. She broke it into 2 separate numbers to simplify it for herself. I still occasionally write 781 instead of 718, but I bet she never does.
I wouldn't worry at all. I still do this with words and I don't have dyslexia. I find sometimes my brain works faster than my hand can write.
I don't think you should worry at this point, she's so young. Once she gets back into school she will begin to get them in proper order with practice and time.
And good for her to be writing them! Some children don't start until they begin kindergarten : )
Our daughter was doing the same thing, her pre-K teacher encouraged us to keep her in pre-K one more year (because of this), she cautioned us that this may be a early sign of a learning disability. I replied to the teacher that if my daughter had a learning disability she would be showing it globally in her life, which she wasn't only in letters. I also told the teacher that I would have my daughter assessed for a disability before deciding to keep her there another year because if I kept her and she was just bored, then she'd surely be bored and move onto bullying or lose interest in learning due to boredom.
I was right, after the assessment, we got a summary telling us our daughter was average to above average in some areas. In the areas she was average, she was on the high end of the range, a point from above average. What it showed me was she wasn't being challenged or learning because she has a visual learning ability as her strength. I am so glad I did get her assessed, only to address and comply with the given concern. She will still start Kinder in the Fall and still mixes up her numbers & letters, but it it totally normal. Trust your instinct and advocate for your daughter.
completely normal. preschool teacher has told us it is normal and kindergarten teacher also.