Seems like a phase. My little girl is a few months over 2 and acts silly like that too. Hell, I think she's VERY particular! She says "mama, put your glasses on!" if I'm not wearing them on my face, but on the back of my head. or "Oh no! the crackers are all gone!" she jumps over cracks in the side walk, she has said some really strange things lately that lead me to believe she realizes her world goes on differently than what she thinks it should be. But your son on the other hand? Just acting silly. I agree, ask him what he's doing. I ask my daughter about the strange things she's doing all the time! She responds with a silly answer. We laugh, and she moves on past it. If he keeps doing this behavior, I mean, for a few weeks if not a bit longer, (because we know phases can last for what seem like forever) then consider calling a councilor, so you can ask them questions. Don't google it, it will just freak you out. Chances are, he's just being silly. :) Just ask him, and prepare for a silly answer. :)