Your body is purging!!! This could be it!!! YEAH. This happened with my first and I went into labor a few hours later.
BEst of Luck!!!!
Last night I started feeling very sick and throw up. I have really bad indigestion. This morning I woke up with really bad diarrhea and through up three time. Also having a little hot, cold sweats. Im also having slight contractions
Your body is purging!!! This could be it!!! YEAH. This happened with my first and I went into labor a few hours later.
BEst of Luck!!!!
Just call your doctor to update them. In the mean time, drink lots of water and clear juices.. Ginger ale helps sooth a tummy.. also a cool wet cloth behind your neck can also help with the nausea..
Get ready for baby to arrive...So common to have the clearing out your body stage aka diarrhea/vomiting.
Could be your body preparing you for labor! Go to the doctor and get checked. GL!
In VA, there is a stomach flu going around. However, it is more likely the start of labor. When is your next appt?
I had mild diarrhea and was abnormally exhausted on Friday April 2nd. Contractions started at 2am Saturday, and I had a baby by7pm that night.
Sounds like your body is getting ready for that baby to come ;)
If you have a fever, call your doc immediately.
Either tummy virus ( you caught something) or getting ready for baby...Because of your symptoms I'd be calling the doctor to be checked out.
Call your OB. It's common to have diarrhea before starting labor, but this really sounds more like a stomach bug. You don't want to get dehydrated. Just call and see what they say.