37 Weeks - Exhausted!

Updated on February 02, 2016
S.C. asks from Oskaloosa, KS
8 answers

I guess that this is more of a vent/reality check/first world problem than a question, but I'll try to think of one. My third trimester has not been fun. On top of being high risk due to bp and my age, I got a chest cold that would not go away, it was literally two full weeks of feeling miserable, and I ended up missing over a week of work (totally unlike me normally). Then I ended up with that stubborn hacking cough that wouldn't quit which resulted in some torn ribs, sending me to the ER twice due to the pain of just moving. Along with all of that, my fiancé developed gout in his big toe which sent HIM to the emergency room in agonizing pain. Finally got both of us on the mend, and my 9 year old was up all last night with a sore throat and stomach ache. (Fiance is a truck driver and was able to go back to work yesterday, so it was kiddo and me getting up together about once per hour, last night)

This is going to sound like a pity party no matter how I word it but I truly am just venting. Feeling better today than I have in quite awhile, physically - but now the sleep deprivation is killing me. And of course I know I have many more nights of poor sleep ahead of me! The good news is- only 2 1/2 weeks till my scheduled C-section! This little one has been given his eviction notice and if he's not out on his own, he'll be kicked out then.

Any other mamas thiiiiiiiiiis close to the end of pregnancy and feeling like you might not make it? I think I just need a good night's sleep but that seems so far away (and unlikely too!) lol. I would LOVE to take a day to rest - but between all the physical issues, multiple doctors appointments every week due to the high risk thing, and this being Kansas (was talked into staying home a couple days the past few weeks due to snowstorms, by my supervisors, who have been super understanding!), I really do NOT want to miss any more work than I absolutely have to! So thanks for your patience, help me feel better by sharing your miseries!!

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So What Happened?

Thanks ladies - I appreciate the safe place to vent! Everyone always asks how I'm doing and I know they care, but they don't really need to hear my whining lol. The bath sounds wonderful, I think I will do that tonight. Hopefully kiddo is feeling better and will go to bed at normal time!

Oh you guys are awesome! Thank you so much for the sweet comments, I needed that to help me get through this last push (so to speak...haha). Kiddo did feel better and so we all got some much needed rest last night (you know, except for the five trips to the bathroom for mama lol). I think I can make it, now!

Suz - love you girl, you crack me up. I won't clean the toilet!!! Promise! lol.

More Answers


answers from Boston on

I'm glad you came to vent. I agree with Geneva about the last month of pregnancy being a complete waste of time! Of course, I think the real reason for those breathing exercises is to work your lungs enough that you can toss out the Lamaze and yell "Epidural!" at the top of your lungs!

Look, take the time if you need it. I know you're trying to save it for after the birth, but maybe you need it now. Send your kid to school, call in sick, and go back to bed for the day. Really. Please look at your to-do list for the day and cross of 25% of it. Stuff doesn't need to get done. It's okay to have cereal for dinner, leave beds unmade, leave your older kid's clothes on the floor, and so on. Just do it. None of us will tell anyone!

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answers from Miami on

I'm so sorry! Look, you might not make it to your scheduled c-section, and that's okay. Just have everything ready.

Your body is working SO hard right now. It's like walking non-stop up a flight of stairs 24/7 - just think about that! Of course you're tired after all you've been through, and you're throwing work on top of it.

Please consider starting your maternity leave a little early. I cannot imagine that your doctor wouldn't absolutely say that you need it. High blood pressure and torn cartilige between the ribs? (I did that coughing and I wasn't pregnant. It took forever to heal!) For sure your doc will say to rest up for the surgery.

Thinking of you!

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answers from Norfolk on

Yeah, the last month or so is always such an exhausting time.
I didn't have your issues and I could nap soon as I got home from work but I couldn't sleep through the night.
My nose was stuffy no matter what I did, I got hungry out of nowhere at the drop of a hat, and that last month child was sitting on my bladder and I had to use the bathroom every few hours - all through the night.
I'd get up, use the bathroom, eat a piece of cheese (was fastest way to get rid of the hungries), had a drink of water then go back to bed - several times a night.
Plus my hips were so loose my joints were just grinding painfully every time I walked anywhere.
Stairs were agony.

Have some quick meals prepared - casseroles, frozen meals, sandwiches, something the kids can get themselves (there's nothing wrong with a bowl of cereal for supper), and you go spend some time floating in your bathtub if you have one that's deep enough.
It can take a lot of pressure off your back - although getting into and back out of the tub might be a bit of a challenge right now.
You haven't got too much longer to go!

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answers from Phoenix on

My last month was always my worst. I'm plus size anyway and had 11# babies, almost 2 weeks early. I gained 22# with the first and #30 with the S.. I threw up the entire time with my first, even during my c section that they swore wouldn't happen...and overall felt like a huge sick hippo. BUT I had 2 beautiful babies so as they say, it was all worth it.

Stay strong! You are at the final push and you will make it! If you are still going to go to work then maybe cut back on some things at home that aren't imperative to do. That helps me when I don't feel so great. Wishing you the best!!!

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answers from Salt Lake City on

((HUG)) Hang in there, honey. You are allowed to vent. I'm convinced that the final month of pregnancy is nature's way of making us so eager to just be done with the whole thing that we'll willingly undergo the ordeal of labor so we can reclaim possession of our own bodies.

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answers from New York on

I was 40 weeks pregnant and called the doctor's after hours service number asking if I could go to the hospital right then and there and have an elective induction. The doctor on call that night asked if there was anything the matter as such I had to respond honestly, no, I was simply done with being pregnant. Baby was born three days later. Hang in there.

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answers from Washington DC on

you poor thing!
i've had a miserable cold for the last few days and am super whiny about it. i don't get sick often and don't handle it well. but i have the option of staying quiet and taking care of myself for a few days. not an option you get to enjoy.
i'm sorry this is so sucky. i hope you feel better very soon.
:D khairete

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answers from Atlanta on

definitely understand you there I have had that problem several times I now have 5 kids and I found out that the best way to get a little bit of rest each day is put at least 10 mins in your schedule for a nap while your daughter is at school and between errands and doctors visits take some time and just lay back set your timer for 10 mins close your eyes and think about that precious little baby that will be here soon enough. Take a breather your a mom. You deserve a little bit of time to yourself. The best time I have noticed in taking the nap is between 12 and 2 cause that's usually lunch time for a lot of ppl. Just relax 10 mins a day before your busy planned day. Its been medically proven that the 10 mins you take for a nap is at least 6 hours of energy.

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