Im 32 weeks pregnant almost 33 weeks, im getting period type pains right under my bump, iv had them all day, even hurts when baby kicks, iv also got lower back pain and pains in my hips, iv just moved house and havnt registered at a docs yet, what should i do or do you think its anything to worry about...
well today is a new day, i feel fine today so maybe i was worrying over nothing also registering at a new docs today...
I would go to a walk in or ER, if you don't have a dr yet. The early stages of labor felt like wicked bad period cramps to me. I don't want to alarm you or anything, but if I were you I would go get checked out.
I want to say I had it too, besides the backpain. It could be a sign of early labor, I would get checked out if it doesnt stop. My sister in law was having a lot of back pain, went to the hospital, and was 7 centimeters. Not trying to scare you, but the back pain worries me.
Drink lots of water and lay down on your left side if it goes away it probably isn't labor but please find an OB right away. It could be a kidney infection so I really think you should see a doctor.
your in labor honey :) i would call your doctor and let him know you'll most likely be in after a while. don't worry about being registered they will take care of that when you get there. good luck!
I would go in and be seen right now - even if you have to go to urgent care. need to make sure you're not going into early labor.
I agree that this sound like preterm labor. Find and urgent care facility, Dr or ER asap.
I agree that this sound like preterm labor. Find and urgent care facility, Dr or ER asap.
Glad to hear you're OK! When you make your appt. with the new doc, I would tell them about this. Better safe then sorry and maybe it'll get you in quicker!
Good Luck!
I think it's possible it's just from moving, but you should go to labor and delivery at a local hospital and make sure...
Good luck.
I would call your doctor's office and ask just in case, but I do remember pretty much being in pain the last trimester, but I thought maybe that was because I'm small. I remember the Braxton Hicks felt a lot like period cramps. If you don't have a doctor at all, not even a GP, if you have insurance there's usually a nurse's line you can call for questions like this.
With my first, I was induced. Being hooked up to the monitors, we could see I was having mild contrations, but to me it felt like menstrual cramps.
Sit down with your feet elevated and drink lots and lots and lots of water. If you think you've had enough water and you're going to float away, drink at least 2 more large glasses. See if this helps.
Well you sitting an relaxing, start making phone calls and find a new doctor. You'll need to schedule an appointment soon. You'll also want to make sure all your medical records get transferred to the new doc's office asap.
It could be Braxton Hicks contractions, but I think it would be best to let a doctor decide. Take yourself to the ER and they will assign you an Ob/Gyn to monitor you and baby to be sure all is alright.
Call your old OB and see what he/she says, if it is serious they will direct you on what you need to do. Also drink water! It could be that you are dehydrated. You need to get registered with a new doctor ASAP!
You've already gotten lots of good advice, particularly about hydrating yourself! If you need the names of great doctors in your area, I have lists of the best ones I'm happy to share with you :)
T. H.