We're having the same kind of issues with my almost-3 yo son. I was just reading "Healthy Sleep" last night, and I am going to try a few things to change it. He suggests making a poster/sign with the sleep rules on it- stay quiet, stay in bed, keep still, go to sleep (or something to that effect). He recommends telling the child that you will respond ONCE to them and you can even give them a bell or something to let them call you once. After that, you don't respond. Then reward like crazy (or take something away) if the rules are followed. For example, I've already talked to my son about the rules and told him if he follows them, he'll get a couple of chocolate chips in the morning at wake-up and a sticker for a chart. If he follows them at naptime again, he'll get another sticker. Two stickers = an episode of his cartoon (which is very special as he doesn't watch much tv at all). After he gets this part down, I'm going to change it a bit into including the wake-up rules (he can only come out of his room after 6am). Like any incentive chart, I will start simply so he can have success with it. We'll see if it works!!