There are a few things going on here. Remember she is only 3.
She may have seemed trained, but in reality, she was being given clues from someone when she needed to go.. or at least needed to try,
The other thing is, this can be normal.
Children learn a trick, get a lot of praise and then, they are over it.
She just needs to be guided and reminded further. Yes, it is a hassle and frustrating for you, but she is still very young and is not totally in tune with her body.
She is probably about to go through a major growth spurt and is just not interested in stopping to go potty.She does not want to miss out on her fun.. going to the potty takes time away from everything else and it is boring and messy.
This is not a defiance thing, it is being 3 years old and very busy in her own little world.
Hang in there and when she does go on her own, praise her, praise her.
Do not make her feel bad about these accidents, just reassure her you know she can do this. And thet it is quicker to go in the potty than to have to stop and get cleaned up when she has an accident.