sounds like my 4 yo son (started when he was 2 out of the blue)... and EVERYBODY in the world thinks they can just fix him, like neighbors or even complete strangers will stop when he's having a fearful moment of a dog or a clown and say, "you're safe...blah blah blah." and they just can't believe how panic-stricken he is, mainly b/c he's so easy-going, loving, happy most of the time. truth is, we've tried to help him pet the animals, we've smiled and picked him up and told him how everything is OK, you're safe, it has taken two years of extreme patience and constantly telling him that he's safe for him to even show progress! His 2 yo brother runs for the dogs/characters; and the 4yo runs the other way, not fun. I don't think there is a quick fix, it's just a long process. good luck.