It sounds like you are very compassionate about the needs of your daughter....even with something as simple as transitioning to sippie cups (which seems simple to us, but it can be a big deal to children). You are not doing anything wrong or missing something. And whether you have a big to-do giving up the bottle ceremony or something as simple just throwing them in the trash - over and done - it has more to do with approaching it with love and compassion. Let her throw away the bottles...it'll give a her a sense of empowerment and control. Praise her for choosing to do such a big girl thing, then just step back and see how she moves on. She might be done with it in a second and off to something else or she might be more upset about it. In the long run, there wont' be any trauma from this:) But like any thing else our children go through, don't we want to help make their experiences more pleasant, loving, and aware of their emotional needs AT THE TIME OF THE EXPERIENCE?
Obviously, you have faced tougher challenges than the throwing away of the bottle, so I am sure your inner loving wise mamma will do the best thing for your children.
Much good energy to you.
mom of 4, Birth and Parenting Mentor