My youngest daughter had this problem when she was born 4 weeks early. As I recall, we had to make weak prune juice for her and if I am not mistaken I also had to feed her tiny portions of baby prunes. She eventually started having BMs but it seemed like it was a long time coming.I don't remember that she cried so much as I was nervous about her not having BMs.We also gave her as much water in a bottle as she would take. She was probably at least 6 weeks or older before she started having regular BMs. I,too was a breastfeeding mom and this was my 3rd child,so at least I had some idea of what was what.I guess for the fact that she was 4 weeks early,altho they would not term her as "preemie",had a lot to do with all that was going on with her. She is now a healthy active 20 year old student at Parkland. Hang in there and don't despair!!!! Take all suggestions and try whatever sounds reasonable for you to want to try. Good luck...............you'll get thru it soon. J.