I have an 8 weeks old baby and he was hungry all the time the first 3 weeks too. I supplemented with a little formula once or twice a day until my milk came in really well. I don't produce milk quickly so he wasn't really getting enough w/breast feeding initially. Because of this he would nurse for 2-3 hours at a time (it was driving me nuts!). I'm not sure why you are giving him formula but maybe for a similar reason? I just kept breast feeding him and I pumped w/a dual electric breast pump to increase my milk production. At about 3 weeks I was able to stop the formula and only breast feed. He also stopped nursing for hours at a time! I definitely wouldn't give him cereal and I would try to limit the formula b/c you might run into more problems w/baby having tummy aches and then you'll be up all night w/another problem! Eat well and get rest when you can and that helps w/your milk production too. Good luck and enjoy your new little one!