Our neighbors grandson started speaking around age 1 (normal milestone age for starting to talk). Then, he got multiple recurring ear infections. And he stopped speaking.... Turns out, he had hearing loss from the infections. After X number of ear infections (it was recurring multiple times over 6 months), they had tubes put in. He was so much better, immediately. Unfortunately, he is seriously speech delayed now (he's 26m) and he talks about as well as a 1yr..... and his behavior is not good, I think partly because he cannot communicate well. The neighbors are concerned, too, (I've voiced my concern enough that I'm uncomfortable saying anything more) but his parents seem to want to ignore this issue (he does have a heart murmur, and they are more focused on that....). It makes me so sad seeing this little boy, who, with some speech therapy would be caught up in little time..... If they continue to wait, studies have shown that it will be so much harder for him to start preschool or kindergarten being behind/having speech delay. And once they are in school, you're at the mercy of the school system, and if you're school system or individual school is not well equipped and/or proactive, it's hard to get the help that is needed....
Anyway, I'm not trying to scare you, but I think you should get a hearing evaluation. If your ENT doesn't recommend one, ask/demand that it get done. In the state where I live, there is a program to help kids under age 3 that need therapy get it free of charge, so ask your pediatrician and/or the ENT about it, if she does need speech therapy (and if she does, she might only need it for a short while, till she's caught up). The sooner its checked and started, if needed, the sooner and faster it will be fixed/improved.